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November 7th, 2016

How craniosacral therapy can help reduce a child's stress

Healthy Pages

This article talks about how CST can help reduce a child's stress

November 3rd, 2016

IBCLCs and Craniosacral Therapists: Strange Bedfellows or a Perfect Match?

Berg-Drazin, P

This article talks about CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and babies with tongue-tie. CST complements IBCLCs working with the families of babies with tongue-tie all too often are the first ones to notice the symptoms and suggest treatment. Even after the tongue has been released, these infants continue to struggle with breastfeeding. The tongue plays an integral role in breastfeeding, but it is also crucial to other oral functions such as speech, respiration, oral hygiene, swallowing, and chewing. The tongue is connected through the extrinsic muscles to bone both above and below the oral cavity. The restriction of the tongue results in associated strains in the body. We will follow the muscular connections and origins to understand the influences in the body. Craniosacral therapy (CST) has its origin in osteopathy, which teaches that structure and function are reciprocally interrelated. When structure is compromised, function will be as well. CST is a perfect complement to help these infants' bodies release the tensions created as well as to aid in rebalancing structurally and somatically. A case study will illuminate the tremendous impact CST can have on children suffering from tongue-tie

October 28th, 2016

More Evidence That Caraniosacral Therapy Works

Chris Centeno

This article is about new discoveries that showed that craniosacral therapy works, how finding new lymph connections in the brain that would further explain why craniosacral therapy si effective and charts a link between the immune system and the brain.  

October 24th, 2016

Brain changes seen in youth football players without concussion

Radiological Society of North America

Researchers have found measurable brain changes in children after a single season of playing youth football, even without a concussion diagnosis, according to a new study.
October 20th, 2016

Cross Bite Resulting from Abnormal Foot Pronation


Frontal Plane Distortion of the Maxilla (Cross Bite) Resulting from Abnormal Pronation (Pure Ascending Postural Distortional Pattern)
October 20th, 2016

Services for children with autism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Fahad M Alnemary, Hesham M Aldhalaan, Gabriela Simon-Cereijido, Faisal M Alnemary

Little information is available about autism spectrum disorder services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A sample of 205 parents completed an online survey about the use of autism spectrum disorder services for their children. The results revealed that on average, children began services by 3.3 years. Most parents reported utilizing non-medical treatments followed by biomedical treatments and cultural and religious treatment. The age at the initiation of services and the type of treatments used differed by parent’s income, educational attainment, the extent of knowledge about autism spectrum disorders, and geographic location. Some child characteristics also influenced the use of services. The disparities in service utilization in Saudi Arabia point to the need to develop policy and interventions that can mitigate the paucity of services for children with autism spectrum disorders. More research is needed to better understand service use and the decision-making processes that underlie treatment selection by parents of children with autism spectrum disorders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

October 19th, 2016

Concussion Foundation: 91 Percent of ex-college players studied have CTE

Nick Bromberg

This article is about chronic traumatic encephalopathy, more commonly known as CTE. CTE is a degenerative condition that can be caused by repeated head trauma. CTE can lead to memory loss, dementia and erratic behavior.

October 17th, 2016

The Symbiotic Partnership of Dentistry And Craniosacral

Benjamin Shield, Ph.D.

This article will explore the symbiotic partnership between the dental profession and craniosacral therapy. With the simple integration of craniosacral techniques, the dental professional will significantly enhance the effectiveness of existing modalities, increase the economic return in their practice, and benefit from greater patient satisfaction. The goal is to better serve our patients. In addition to enhanced dental care, CST offers the dental professional the ability to solve many instances of craniocervical pain and dysfunction. The dental professional is in an unique position to correct underlying anatomical and functional dysfunction that may have been unseen or mistreated by other professionals.
October 14th, 2016

Osteopatia trzewna według autorskiej metody Jean-Pierre Barrala

Mariusz Kurkowski , Adam Polański

Article about Jean-Pierre Barral, Visceral Manipulation and the Barral Institute.
October 8th, 2016

Gut microbiota may have role in neurodegenerative diseases: study


Could neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's originate in the gut? New research from the U.S., published in the journal Nature, shows that certain proteins produced by gut bacteria may be linked to neurodegeneration in rats.
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