Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Complaining Is Terrible for You, According to Science
Jessica StillmanCurriculums:
The article explains how complaining can harm your health.
The Brain Waste-Disposal System May Be Enlisted to Treat Alzheimer and Other Brain Illnesses | An internal plumbing system rids the brain of toxic wastes. Sleep is when this cleanup ritual occurs
Maiken Nedergaard, Steven A. GoldmanCurriculums:
Feeding in the NICU: A Perspective from a Craniosacral Therapist
Quraishy, KarynCurriculums:
Abstract: Completing
full feedings is a requirement for discharge for babies in the NICU.
interaction between the nerves and the muscles of the jaw, tongue, and the soft
palate is required for functional sucking and swallowing. Jaw misalignment,
compressed nerves, and misshapen heads can interfere with these interactions
and create feeding difficulties. craniosacral therapy (CST) is a noninvasive
manual therapy that is perfect for the fragile population in the NICU. CST can
be used as a treatment modality to release fascial restrictions that are
affecting the structures involved in feeding, thereby improving feeding
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Changes in elongation of falx cerebri during craniosacral therapy techniques applied on the skull of an embalmed cadaver
Kostopoulos DC, Keramidas GCurriculums: Zero Balancing,
Craniosacral therapy supports that light forces applied to the skull may be transmitted to the dura membrane having a therapeutic effect to the cranial system.
New study shows severity of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is related to emotional processing
Lisa PackerCurriculums:
Tinnitus, also called ringing in the ears, is sound perceived by the brain that is not present in the environment. A recent study out of the University of Illinois revealed not only that those who have tinnitus process emotional sounds differently than those who do not have tinnitus, but also that among those who have tinnitus, there are significant differences in which regions of the brain are used when processing emotions.
Visceral Manipulation
Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCOCurriculums:
Warren Hammer describes Visceral Manipulation based on Jean Pierre Barral’s books
Effect of osteopathic maneuvers in the treatment of asthma: review of literature
Rodrigo Medina Vasconcelos Lago; Marco Antônio Figueiredo da Silva Filho; Alan Carlos Nery dos SantosCurriculums:
Their findings suggest that osteopathic manipulative techniques can be used as non-medicated additional resource in the treatment of patients with asthma. The reviewed studies have identified improving the quality of life, subjective perception of symptoms and reduce the use of drugs.
The Role of Physical Therapy in Craniofacial Pain Disorders: An Adjunct to Dental Pain Management
Steve Heinrich, P.T.Curriculums:
Craniofacial pain disorders such as TMJ, Headaches, emotional issues and stress can cause significant pain in patients. Posture and alignment of your body may cause a lot of these symptoms.
Working with a Therapist, Dentist and other therapies seem to help the patient to feel much better after treatment. The treatment plan is formulated with the physician/dentist is the best way to help the patient achieve the best results.
Atrial Fibrillation, the Stomach and Visceral Manipulation
Barral Institue.comCurriculums:
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia which results in over 5 million office visits per year and hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations. In 2012 A.J. de Koning, DO, an instructor for the Barral Institute and osteopathic practitioner in Italy, was approached by a renowned Italian cardiologist for treatment due to not being able to stand during long surgeries. The treatment was successful. He invited De Koning to do research with 40 AF patients at his hospital and they observed significant positive changes in patient outcomes. A.J. de Koning is finalizing his research and preparing it for publication.
10 Signs That Your Baby needs CranioSacral Therapy
Vivien Ray, RCSTCurriculums:
10 Signs That Your Baby needs CranioSacral Therapy 1 Baby has difficulty latching onto the breast 2 Baby makes a lot of “slurpy” or clicking noises during feeds 3 Baby has a lot of wind after feeding 4 Breast feeding is uncomfortable or painful for the mother 5 Baby is in pain after feeding, cries or curls up in pain 6 Baby can take one breast but is uncomfortable on the other one. May need the “rugby hold” on one side 7 Baby is unable to sleep or restless when sleeping 8 Baby seems tense and restless, it is difficult to cuddle her/him 9 Baby vomits or brings up some of the feed 10 It seems that your baby is suffering from “tongue tie”