Research, Articles & Case Studies
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Is the Power to Heal ourselves increasing?
acob DevaneyCurriculums:
The mind, our beliefs, emotions, and lifestyle play a much larger role in our well being than we tend to recognize. While researchers are wondering how to avoid the dreaded monkey-wrench of the placebo effect in testing new drugs, the general public is recognizing that taking charge of ones health doesn’t need to always start with a call to the doctor or a new prescription.
The Brain-Gut Connection for Mental Well-being
Editor - Fractal EnlightenmentCurriculums:
This article describes why changes to your diet, stress levels, and therefore the environment in your gut can create changes to your brain and brain function.
Massage for Breast Cancer Patients
Cheryl Chapman RN, HN-BC, LMTCurriculums:
Massage and touch at any age of Breast Cancer will take a woman to another to another place than her disease. Massage can assist her throughout her entire journey, from diagnosis to recovery.
When to Massage?
Ideally, the approach is to massage a few days pre- surgery and another the day before surgery.
Biologists Discover Bacteria Communicate Like Neurons in the Brain
University of California - San DiegoCurriculums:
Biologists have discovered that bacteria -- often viewed as lowly, solitary creatures -- are actually quite sophisticated in their social interactions and communicate with one another through similar electrical signaling mechanisms as neurons in the human brain.
Craniosacral Therapy Helps PTSD
Gloria Flores HHP, CST-DCurriculums:
This article discusses Craniosacral Therapy as a proven way to address a myriad of health problems, specifically those with PTSD. The author believes this is because it contributes to general health and well-being by increasing the body's natural ability to heal old wounds and traumas.
A Tongue Restriction Isn't Always a Tongue Tie
Carol Smyth, IBCLCCurriculums:
This article looks at the role of bodywork and explain why a tongue restriction isn’t always down to a tight frenulum. There is a before and after photo of the woman's tongue to illustrate the difference one CST appointment made.
Testimonials from Professional Football Players Concussion Intensive Therapy Program
Vaughn, Meggyesy, Williams, Jones, Borland, Galsgow, Visger, Koch,Curriculums:
On September 30th the Upledger Foundation, in conjunction with the Ricky Williams Foundation, completed the 2015 Football Players Concussion Intensive Therapy Program and Research Study.
This year’s program treated seven former professional football players, two of whom were repeats from the 2014 study. The programs have consisted of extensive baseline intake testing, five consecutive days of twice daily CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Neural Manipulation Therapy. At week’s end, a re-taking of the same tests concluded the program. Besides positive documented quantitative changes shown in the tests, all of the former players reported experiencing significant life-changing value, benefits and insight through receiving treatment, and participating in the dialogues of shared experiences. The personal testimonies below reflect some of what the participants experienced, and their desire to inform those institutions and organizations who are actively seeking to study the issues, and help improve the quality of life OF ANYONE suffering from brain injury, post traumatic stress, and other accumulated traumas.
A neuroscience researcher reveals 4 rituals that will make you happier
ERIC BARKERCurriculums: Healing From the Core,
UCLA neuroscience researcher Alex Korb has some insights that can create an upward spiral of happiness in your life. A neuroscience researcher reveals 4 rituals that will make you happier
The Very Intelligent Choroid Plexus Epithelial Cell
Jon Lieff, M.DCurriculums:
The choroid plexus has many different functions. It eliminates waste products from brain tissues. It controls the travel of immune T cells in the CSF that promote cognition and fight infections. It regulates the travel of critical microglia and neural stem cells that create new brain cells of all types. It is the major determinant of critical neuroplasticity time windows during brain development. It is vital for the health of the brain regulating the immune surveillance and the maintenance and pruning of synapses. Jon Lieff, M.D. is a practicing psychiatrist, with specialties in geriatric psychiatry and neuropsychiatry.
Viva Vagus: Wandering nerve could lead to range of therapies
Article on the importance of the Vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the nervous system’s superhighway. About 80 percent of its nerve fibers — or four of its five “lanes” — drive information from the body to the brain. Its fifth lane runs in the opposite direction, shuttling signals from the brain throughout the body.