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5 Things To Know About The 51-Year-Old Doctor Spotted With Shawn Mendes
Chukwudi Onyewuchion:Curriculums:
Shawn Mendez fans this is for you!!
Jocselyn Miranda a 51 yr old Doctor has been spotted with him in places like at the Farmers Market where the singer has a home. They seemed to be having a great time. She is specializing Spine and Extremely Adjustments and uses soft tissue Manipulation techniques for her treatments.
The Osteopath’s Imprint: Osteopathic Medicine Under the Nanoscopic Lens
Bruno Bordoni, Allan R EscherCurriculums:
Scientific literature demonstrates how osteopathic manipulative treatments(OMT) are able to improve various somatic functional parameters, change somato-visceral and viscero-somatic reflexes toward a more physiological mechano-metabolic environment and, consequently, bring benefits to patients. These benefits can be long-lasting or short-lived. Multiple reasons can be found to explain the positive responses to OMT, ranging from neurological, vascular, lymphatic, and endocrine explanations.
Scientists Just Uncovered A Whole New Layer of Brain Anatomy
Tessa KoumoundourosCurriculums:
Now researchers from the University of Copenhagen and University of Rochester have identified a layer of tissue that helps protect our gray and white matter, one that hasn't been distinguished before. Several types of immune cells – including myeloid cells and macrophages – camping out in the SLYM, keeping surveillance over the brain. In mice, the types of cells changed in response to swelling and natural aging, suggesting this site may play an important part in disease pathologies.
A mesothelium divides the subarachnoid space into functional compartments
Kjeld Møllgård, Felix R. M. Beinlich, Peter Kusk, Leo M. Miyakoshi, Christine Delle , Virginia Plá , Natalie L. Hauglund , Tina Esmail , Martin K. Rasmussen , Ryszard S. Gomolka , Yuki Mori , Maiken NedergaardCurriculums:
The central nervous system is lined by meninges, classically known as dura, arachnoid, and pia mater. We show the existence of a fourth meningeal layer that compartmentalizes the subarachnoid space in the mouse and human brain, designated the subarachnoid lymphatic-like membrane (SLYM). SLYM is morpho- and immunophenotypically similar to the mesothelial membrane lining of peripheral organs and body cavities, and it encases blood vessels and harbors immune cells.
Newly Discovered Anatomy Shields and Monitors Brain
Mark MichaudCurriculums:
From the complexity of neural networks to basic biological functions and structures, the human brain only reluctantly reveals its secrets. Advances in neuro-imaging and molecular biology have only recently enabled scientists to study the living brain at level of detail not previously achievable, unlocking many of its mysteries.
Very interesting article with new studies coming out everyday.
You Asked: What can CranioSacral Therapy Address?
Allison Payne, Thomas Rasmussen PhD, MSc, CST-D, Brittany Herzberg LMBT, Pat O'Rourke LMPCurriculums:
CranioSacral Therapy is among the gentlist touch of modalities, anecdotal evidence of it's effectiveness abounds, and a growing body of scientific research supports its efficacy.Three CST practitioners discuss all about CranioSacral Therapy in this article.
At-Home Wellness Tips To Alleviate Holiday Stress
Gordana VelajaCurriculums:
For many people the holidays are stressfull, yet we need to clebrate with family and friends, trying to make it fun and magical. It sometimes becomes more chores , like buyin presents wrapping them cooking new and different meals, hosting parties and having to clean out disorderly spaces.
There are ways to get yourself in a better mood for these holidays. Easter is coming up in a few weeks so dying of Eggs, Easter Bunny coming, special dinners, and Easter Egg Hunts for the children can be also a lot of fun!
Reflections on the Development of Fascial Tissue: Starting from Embryology
Bruno Bordoni , Bruno MorabitoCurriculums:
This article is to clarify how fascia is considered in embroylogical context.
A recent article concerning the assesment of nerves in the knee by ultrasound, the fascia was derived from the 22nd to 35th week of gestation.
The scientific disipline allows us to observe the relationships and adaptibility of fascia both at local and systematic levels.
CranioSacral Therapy – Neck Pain
Maria Taame CST-T, DOCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy – Neck Pain
CranioSacral Therapy – Cervical Fusion/Headaches
Maria Taame CST-T, DOCurriculums:
Upledger Institute International Case Study
CranioSacral Therapy – Cervical Fusion/Headaches